Tony Heller covers some resent comments on climate by Dr Anthony Fauci. In it the doctor shows how little he truly understands about climate. He makes subjective observations about localized weather events and uses them to extrapolate a global issue. Tony, using real numbers, shows how horrible Fauci’s analysis is. It is all a scam though. Most people will simply hear Fauci say that Texas has had 75 days in excess of 95 degrees Fahrenheit and so, “oh my that is really hot”….it’s freaking Texas. What you expect in the middle of the summer? It is hardly unusual for Texas to extended periods during the summer in the 90s. Then bring up the fires. I have no actual evidence of the Maui fires being deliberately caused. The way these people try to use it to promote their agenda makes me think they were though. Either that or they simply just subscribe to the Rahm Emanuel quote: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before”.

Climate Expert Dr Fauci
Climate Expert Dr Fauci

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