January 6th: The Most Deadliest Day
Love Babylon Bee!!!
Big Brother is Out For Watching You!!!
Greg Reese covers how the global elites will have no alternative but to create chaos in the US to keep Donald Trump from being elected. As political figures from across…
Richard Vobes goes about cryptically discussing how a “big event” could happen that would be the catalyst to create a big war. We all know this will be a false…
BlackPilled does an incredible job detailing how the moguls of business and finance manipulate the masses to drive them to war. These war then produce vast profits for these elite…
I knew a bit of this information but this has a lot that I did not. They even say in this that Israel says this is their 9/11. That is…
In this one, Whitney Webb describes how in the next year and a half or so, cyber attack is likely to target banks. This will be devastating and very much…
This sounds like a limited hangout if I ever heard one. There has been chatter about offing this politician or that one as part of an effort to eliminate the…
Greg Reese covers what he believes to be an impending false flag at the Texas – Mexico border. Be careful in what you get involved with. We know the government…