9-11 Documentary
This is a great long form video on independent engineering analysis of World Trade Center Building 7 collapse. Anyone that sees this and believes the government narrative is simply unable…
Big Brother is Out For Watching You!!!
Post about what truly happened on 9/11/2001
This is a great long form video on independent engineering analysis of World Trade Center Building 7 collapse. Anyone that sees this and believes the government narrative is simply unable…
A nice short video on some glaring facts about 911 that should make everyone question the narrative. The whole WTC 7 simply collapsing from office fires, aluminum airplanes blasting through…
James Corbett does some great analysis of 9/11 with a focus on who had access to the towers.
I love how Tucker talks now. The problem is, I seen a video of him being confronted by 9/11 truthers asking him questions about this subject and he absolutely excoriated…
Scientists and Engineers tell their opinions on the facts of 9/11/2001. I am neither but can easily even as a laymen tell it does not add up. One of the…
This video displays some video evidence that would tend to reduce the believability of the story of September 11, 2001. The fact that an aluminum and plastic airplane could crash…
Another video showing the absolute ridiculous nature of the official story of 911 attack. It was an inside demolition job. Steel will not melt from the heat of jet fuel…
This is a great analysis of a great number of people that were closely tied to the events of 911. Just watch and tell me you think this is all…
This is a combination of 2 shorts. The first shows how many times prior to 9/11 that TV shows referenced events similar to what happened on that day. The second…
Another in my re-releases of 9/11/2001 favorites. This one James Corbett of the Corbett Report makes it blatantly obvious how the official narrative of 9/11 is just simply unbelievable.