This is a roundtable on the connection of vaccines and autism. I am 57 year old. When I was a child autism was unheard of. It is stated in this video that the instance of it were in the neighborhood of 1 in 10,000. Now it is 1 in 36. I know that it is even higher if you look at just boys. Back in my childhood, there were just a handful of vaccines. Now there are something like 72 given during childhood and adolescents. I find this highly compelling. I have a nephew that is highly autistic. His older brother was diagnosed as well but you would be hard pressed to see it in him. He is highly functioning. I have even questioned if I might have a very mild version of it. It does appear the males in my family are susceptible. If I had as many jabs as my nephews, would I be in the same condition as my younger nephew.