No Unvaxed Autism
Steve Kirsch testifies on the fact that you cannot find an autistic child that is unvaxed.
Big Brother is Out For Watching You!!!
Steve Kirsch testifies on the fact that you cannot find an autistic child that is unvaxed.
Anther in the Young Hearts series. Just tragic the level of suffering this has caused. Never forget or they’ll try it again.
Senator Kennedy just rips into the Deputy Director of the Department of Energy for advocating spending 50 trillion dollars to become carbon neutral by 2050 but he can’t quantify just…
Great short clip on Dr Fauci’s nonsense.
Some good analysis on stats from Japan.
Clayton Morris of Redacted interviews Ted Walters of the International Center for 911 Studies. Great information that I already knew but still very good to go over again. Anyone that…
Styx does a great job of breaking down why you should not eat the lab grown meat. It is part of an agenda to eliminate traditional food production. If you…
Jordan Peterson is a true visionary. He speaks so eloquently and precisely on the topics he chooses opine on. I think like he does but can never seem to express…
Dr Vernon Coleman discusses the jabs as usual. He does a great job of dissecting the issue. He goes as far as stating that every jab death is either suicide…
This is a very compelling set of statistics. I cannot say if it is related to the jabs but the timing is highly suspect. This shows births over time in…