A great report on the global efforts to restrict food production and artificially create shortages. This is all deliberate in the name of saving the world from manmade climate change. What a load of rubbish. The only thing going wrong in the climate these days are all the snake oil salesman pushing things like Stratospheric Aerosol Injection that is pumping billions of tons of materials in the atmosphere. I remember when the sky was a deep rich blue. Now we only see this haze. There was plenty of times in the history of our planet that CO2 was a substantially higher levels. Live survived and even thrived. They say this is the hottest period in history. Tell me this period is hotter than the 1930s. There is a world record high temperature from that period that has not been broken. I remember in the 1980s having a couple days a year where the temps exceeded 100 degrees Fahrenheit. This is in the upper Midwest US. Have not seen triple digits in decades now. None of it passes the smell test.
Combine this food shortage with 15 minute cities and we are basically in Soylent Green. The only thing missing is people being the source material for the manufactured, garbage food. Without traditional farming it won’t take long to get to that point though.