Apparently President Trump will be arrested On Tuesday, March 21st. This is the biggest “S” show ever!!! The most investigated President in history and this is all they can come up with. A misdemeanor that they somehow shoehorned into a felony. Sounds reminiscent of the impeachments where the only crime that has to be proven is whatever the house members say is a crime on the given day. Just be careful out there. This is meant to illicit a reaction. They want another 1/6/21 that they can use to indite Trump on. They figure Trump will call for protests, which he has. This is not a crime, neither calling for protests nor holding them. The problem is if there is an incident that can in any way be portrayed as an attempt to overthrow the government. With that type of ammo, they will attempt to take out the former President (figuratively / politically of course). If they can pin a felony on him, then he will be unable to run. They fear him and this is how they are attempting to eliminate the possibility of having to face him in the election. Keep any protests squeaky clean!!!!