Salty Cracker does a great analysis of the White House deleting a tweet after the cardinal sin of something the left said being fact checked. The tweet involved Biden gloating about seniors receiving the largest increase in Social Security in 10 years under his “leadership”. What he failed to mention and what the fact check did was that increases in Social Security benefits are tied to cost of living increases due to INFLATION!!! So first, this increase was automatic and had nothing to do with his leadership. Second and more important, the increase is tied to inflation which is a word that the administration has been attempting to downplay constantly. If inflation is not as bad as the admin has been telling us then why are benefits that are tied to it going up so much? People are not stupid. Well, at least people that are not too lazy to think for themselves.

Salty Take on the White House Deleting a Tweet
Salty Take on the White House Deleting a Tweet

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