Anyone watching this already knows that government is suppressing free speech in violation of the 1st Amendment. The latest DHS leak documents only reinforce this belief that we have held for a very long time. Unfortunately this place in an echo chamber where it is likely to only be seen by people that already hold such beliefs. If I were to try to share this on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, it would be blocked, shadow banned or worse, my account could be banned. This even today after these revelations have come to the surface. Orwell would be shocked at how close to the truth his predictions have come to reality.

We need to have accountability in government. These people work for us, yet they undermine the very freedoms they are supposed to protect. They have become the enemy of the people. This is a bold statement. Will I get a knock on my door at 5:00 AM by swatted FBI for statements against the government? I support the Constitution of the United States, not the people that have infiltrated the offices of government and trample on everything that it stands for.

Any oath I ever took was to “support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign or domestic” not any person in office. The oath was written that way with great intent. If the government can be the arbiter of what is “truth” and that “truth” is the only speech that can be spoke in the modern public square (truly Orwell’s vision of “Newspeak”), then free speech is truly dead. With speech gone, all other freedoms will soon fall after and just like that the great experiment that is the United States will fall as all other great failed states have in the past. Look at your late Roman history and you will see so many parallels to where we are today. Vote on November 8th and make sure those people know we mean business.

This needs to be cleaned up and more importantly people need to be held accountable for their actions. The world is watching. We are the United States. Reagan’s “shining city on the hill”. Watch out, the Visigoths are coming over the hill. Who is standing guard on the walls?

Government Control of Social Media
Government Control of Social Media

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