Early Friday morning, Paul Pelosi was allegedly attacked with a hammer by a man, David Depape. Pelosi, the husband of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was injured and taken to a San Francisco hospital for treatment as was Depape. The media is already making Depape out to be a “far right radical” with “conspiracy theorist” beliefs, supporting theories such as the stolen 2020 election, covid vaccines being deadly and many others. Though I only have speculation and no direct evidence on this, but an attack on the husband of the person that is third in the chain of command in the United States, a little over a week before a pivotal election seems a bit suspicious. This could be the beginning of a new round of efforts to demonize anyone that doesn’t to adhere to the government narrative on these events and ultimately disrupt the election that the left by any objective analysis is likely to lose bigly.
Some things in the reports seem a bit strange. The report indicates that the call was made for help, the police arrived to find the suspect and Pelosi in what sounds to be a stand off with hammers. It was at that time, when the police were present, that the suspect was then able to get Pelosi’s hammer away from him and begin to assault him. This seems odd. The timing meant that the police were in a position to ensure that the assault ended very quickly, I assume. If Depape would have got the hammer from Pelosi sooner, it would be likely Pelosi would have been murdered. How much time did the police take to get to the scene? There are a lot of questions on this one. Again, this is all my opinion and speculation and simply asking questions based on the available information. Please no billion dollar lawsuits for having and expressing an opinion or having an inquisitive nature. I thought we lived in a free nation…the whole 1st Amendment thing and all.