This is a crazy one. Elon Musk predicts that within 1 to 2 years, AI will be smarter and more capable than any single human being. Within 5 years, he states it will be smarter than all humans combined. Him and others predict various odds of AI being the demise of humanity yet they still want to go head long into it creation. They state we need to put up safe guards to ensure it does not eliminate us. They simply don’t get that if it becomes as smart as they state, it will begin to augment itself and then soar past us. We will be quite literally like ants to this massive intelligence. Do you think that any safe guard we put up can possibly contain such an intelligence. I agree with the person in this that there is a 99.99999% chance it will destroy us and the only way to avoid it is to not build it at all. That won’t happen though. If the US stops work on it, China will not. So the US has to try to get there first. If someone else does, they win…at least until we all lose.

AI Will Take Over in 5 Years or Less
AI Will Take Over in 5 Years or Less

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