This is a great video on how the smarter you are, the more likely you are to buy into stupid beliefs. It is quite interesting and something I have noticed. My own sister has masters degree and is completely intolerant of opposing views. She says you can believe what you want but will never engage with someone with views contrary to hers. Now, I don’t have the fancy degree but it is not because I’m an imbecile. I consider myself well informed and always learning. I am willing to engage and even admit I could be wrong on things if the evidence can be provided to convince me. That evidence better not be the CDC, FDA, WHO, WEF, FBI, CIA, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, FOX or something like that said so. That is why I tend to not change my mind on things. I look objectively at the evidence and come to my own conclusions. Like when I told my doctor, I had become a big anti-vaxxer. His response was, “I thought you would trust the advice of your doctor”. It was not, why did you come to that conclusion. It was why didn’t you simply trust my magnificent intellect to tell you what is right. Be open minded but examine all the evidence and use what God put between your ears to make up your mind as to what is real and not.