Michael Rectenwald last month made this speech at the Mises Institute in Alabama. It breaks things down nicely regarding the great reset. I especially like the portion that discusses the concept of “stakeholder capitalism”. It is described as a collusion between business and government to share a monopoly on power. Most of you will know this is the very definition of fascism.

It also goes into a very compelling narrative. The 4th Industrial Revolution is being sold as empowering people with ultimate access to knowledge. It will augment human’s allowing us to do unimaginable things. It is beguiling, the promise. Put these implants into your body and you will instantly gain superhuman abilities. They will sell it like that. Ultimate power without having to do any of the work to achieve it. It is the ultimate laziness. In the end, they will have their devices in your body and be able to monitor you in every way possible. Freedom will be over. Push back on Human 2.0 concepts. It is sold as empowering but it will ultimately be absolute controlling.

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