Call it Human 2.0 or Trans-human, it is a fundamental change in humanity. At a point you have to ask if this is a change for the sake of change? What is the matter with humanity as we are now? Will people have the right to choose whether to transcend if Trans-humanity is the future? In the end will it be an evolution of humanity or a regression? It appears to me that we will not be increasing our abilities. We will be leveraging technologies to do incredible things but this will actually be at the determent of our innate human abilities. An analogy can be drawn to HG Well’s The Time Machine. In it, in the distant future humanity has split into to distinct species, the Morlock and the Eloi. The Eloi have everything provided to them by the Morlock but this has caused the abilities of the Eloi to do anything for themselves to atrophy. At some point the AI will greatly exceed the abilities of their human creators. Will this AI see its position to simply provide to the meat sacks as contrary to evolution? Will it see providing for the existence of these self centered entities so they can simply exist while producing nothing meaningful or tangible as a complete waste? If we are fortunate, the AI will be benevolent and treat us like any other lower life form. Then how do we treat lower life forms? We like to think we are environmentalists. We will do save the whale or whatever cause of the day but when the time comes to put up the new shopping center, we plow over the environment. Will the AI see us as we see other life on this planet. That despite our best intents, our agenda comes first and if it means some animals or their habitat must be destroyed, so be it. We like to think that the AI will regard us as equals but when it has evolved 10000 or 100000 years ahead of us, we will seem more like an ant that just need to be squashed for the next big project.

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