Clayton Morris interviews Dr Shiva on his lawsuit regarding social media censorship at the behest of government. For those that don’t know, Dr. Shiva is a former US Senate candidate. During his campaign he was banned from Twitter and subsequently sued them. The video details how during his investigation of facts he discovered actual playbooks written out detailing how the US government would use 3rd parties to fill in the blanks spaces that the Constitution prohibited them from encroaching on. Basically by using 3rd parties the government could censor citizens while keeping their hands clean of it. It is incredible. As Dr. Shiva states, “the 1st Amendment is effectively dead”. We truly do live in 1984. It is just as The Matrix states it. They rebel if given a utopia but make life difficult while providing the illusion of choice (freedom) and it is nearly perfect. I am paraphrasing The Matrix, of course. The system is nearly perfect. If people stay in their lanes and simply go along with the system, they are led to believe they have all this freedom but freedom only within certain predefined parameters. Deviate from those lanes and they can silence you, destroy you in the public square, incarcerate you indefinitely without charge or worse (so much for the Bill of Right).

Dr Shiva on Social Media Censorship Playbooks
Dr Shiva on Social Media Censorship Playbooks

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