This man discusses how the jabs appear to have sent his wife’s cancer into overdrive. Through chemo and natural treatments the cancer had been beaten back by her body. Shortly after receiving a Pfizer booster it came back with a vengeance and tore through her body. This sounds very much like my own father. I lost him nearly a year ago to cancer. He was a life long smoker so a lung cancer diagnosis was not a surprise, The progression of the disease was. He was strongly pro-vaccine. This to the point that even during his battle with the disease, he tried to compel me to take the shots. He had a terminal disease and literally told me, “I have 3 shots and feel great”. He did not use the natural methods described in this video but did have nearly miraculous reduction in the tumors mass (roughly 90% reduction). Then within 2 months it came back and killed him. I don’t know how this all aligned with his jabs and I cannot ask my stepmother. I would be accused of trying to spread conspiracy theories with my father’s passing and completely alienate myself from the rest of my family that virtually all fell for the poison shots. I can only speculate based on the evidence that he would have taken every shot offered and with that toward the end he likely had a 4th.