This is a strange video. Scott Adams bends over backwards to say he was wrong and the anti-vaxxers were right. Where it goes off the rails is he admits that it is never right to trust big business or the government but still makes it out like he had it right logically. “All my analytics got me to the wrong place” and your simple minded “heuristics” won the day. We anti-vaxxers did not simply stumble upon the correct answer. It was through very logical processes that we determined it was not real. Whenever something significant occurs, you have to ask a couple simple questions: “who benefits?” and “does it make sense?”. This disease emerged in late 2019 early 2020 and I asked “who benefits”. The biggest beneficiary at the time was the Democrat party. I am not imply they had any hand in making the disease happen but they did benefit greatly. At the beginning of 2020, President Trump was at all time highs. Economy was incredible, record employment for women and minority groups, filling massive campaign rallies like a rock star rather than politician. How could that possibly change? What could happen to unravel such success and all the passionate crowds? He was on track to have a blow out of the Democrats in 2020. Any of you lefties want to argue it are simply deluding yourselves. Then as if by a miracle an event came that would shutter the economy, make his massive rallies no longer able to be held. This gave the Democrats something to beat him up over. It just didn’t make sense. The timing was too perfect. Once I picked that thread, I began to unravel the rest of the tapestry. The PCR test was a farce. A test that was overly amplified to show everyone had COVID. The whole media circus that built up around it. It was all too well orchestrated to have been organic. There is much, much more I could go into. Then the shots came out in record time. That was an immediate red flag. Any new biologic takes at least 5 years from research to market. That is extreme fast track in 10 months was insane. No possible way it was tested properly. I would not trust it simply from that stand point. Then there is putting your faith in Pfizer. The company is notorious for its underhanded tactics. It did pay a 2.3 billion criminal fine for their activities in 2009 I believe. I could go on and on. There was plenty of evidence against and all you had was the evidence the government and Big Pharma was spoon feeding you. Yeah we won!!! but it was not by luck.