Dr Bhakdi does a great job explaining how the body reacts to the toxic spike protein productions that the jabbed induces. Killer lymphocytes that are supposed to protect you from disease and cancer now appear to be attacking the tissues of the organs of these jabbed people. We have been warned from the beginning by people like Dr Sherry Tenpenny that autoimmune reactions were likely going to occur from these jabs. Now we have some significant evidence that this has occurred. Dr. Tenpenny said these effects would likely not show for 12 to 24 month or even later. We appear to be right on that timeline. Thank you to all the real doctors like Bhakdi and Tenpenny that have the courage to speak out.

Dr Bhakdi on Infectious Diseases and Cancer in the Jabbed
Dr Bhakdi on Infectious Diseases and Cancer in the Jabbed

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