A primary part of latest Jaxen Report, which is a part of Del Bigtree’s, The Highwire, discusses the Netherlands apparent war on farming. This is very disturbing. I have been watching reports on the government of The Netherlands attempting to buy out farmers to take land out of production. This is all under the guise of environmental protection. This all sounds very admirable from the environment’s perspective but you still have to consider, where does the food come from?

We now have major PR campaigns attempting to normalize less than traditional sources of protein. These range from eating insects to lab grown meat-like substances. I know if nature created it, I can pretty much trust it. If it is produced in a factory via chemistry…not so much. Also there is an instinctive repulsion to eating insects…is this for a reason?

The movie Soylent Green from the 1970’s depicted an over populated world without the means to properly feed itself. What factors would it take to get us from where we are today with an abundance of food in the 1st world, to this dystopian place. I can easily imagine that it would start with destroying traditional farming. Once you have removed the ability of people to feed themselves via naturally producing food, the “powers on high” can dictate what food is and who gets it. Very scary is you game it out in your mind!!!

War on Farming
War on Farming

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