In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato describes a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave for their entire existence. Shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them are the only reality they know. I fear this is what is being built now.

We have discussions of 15 minutes cities. They are currently being planned and tested. These are spaces where you will not need to go more than 15 minutes from your home for any of your needs. It does not take a giant leap to go from a convenience of not needing to go outside this area to being restricted from going outside this area.

We have this hideous monstrosity called ExtoLife. On the surface it is presented as a miracle for those unable to conceive a child, yet it is also presented as a mass production child factory. The fact they even mention converting the waste back into nutrients to feed the babies is just too, over the top, “Matrix”.

I can envision a future of children being grown and deposited into government maturing / education facilities in these prisons of 15 minutes cities. They may never even know that the world outside their 15 minute space exists. What is in walking distance is the entire world to these poor souls. That is if they even posses a soul being completely conceived and grown outside the vessel that God has created to deliver souls into this world.

On a side note, we have roundabouts being installed in cities all around the US. I told my daughter at one point that they are for population control. It is easy to block one exit from the circle and direct the traffic back to where it came or to which other direction they choose. She thought I was crazy, of course. This seems much more feasible with this 15 minutes cities idea being proposed. Get the people into these spaces and block the exits at these roundabouts chokepoints.

ExtoLife of the Cave
ExtoLife of the Cave

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