John Bowne breaks down what we know so far about the Paul Pelosi attack. He does his usual excellent analysis. Connecting the dots with what is being told to the public, along with what a good investigative reporter can dig up. By combining this information and some critical thinking skills, he attempts to provide a broader picture and uncover any hidden agendas. Basically from the 30,000 foot view, it does not add up. I came to a similar conclusion about 24 hours ago when I first heard of the attack. Now we have everyone up too and including the President using this to bludgeon anyone that questions anything other than their “Truespeak”…and as a pretext to question the 2022 midterm elections. The proverbial sin of the 2020 election cycle of questioning the validity of the outcome is now being normalized by the left ahead of this cycle.
What a genius Orwell was for predicting how this type of behavior would happen!!! The only thing I can see that he got wrong was the bleak and dark nature of the tyranny. In our version most of the masses are blind to it because it is obscured by the illusion of freedom and choice, then covered in a pretty facade. People are easily distracted by pretty colors and flashing lights. We have those in abundance in the main stream media and pop culture today.