This woman is awesome. She discovered she was part of the problem of geoengineering and is now an outspoken critic. Things that were “conspiracy theories” a few years back are now be promoted out in the open more and more by the maniacal supervillains of the world that somehow believe they can control the environment. They have a theory of humans spewing a natural substance, CO2 into the environment is causing climate change. They then compose this new theory that they can reverse the original nutcase theory by spewing massive amounts of unnatural materials into the environment. This is insane. The theory that CO2 causes climate change is based on little more supposition. There have been many times in Earths past where the levels CO2 in the atmosphere was much higher than it is now and life not only survived but absolutely flourished. The whole, “we are in a stage of global boiling” line that has been thrown out recently is absurd. The 1930’s were considerably hotter than now. How do you explain this away? Even if the temperatures do go higher, this happens. There is such a thing as climate change. That does not make it something that needs to be controlled or even something we are significantly influencing by burning fossil fuels. We negatively influence more by spewing all these nano metals and other materials into the atmosphere. I have stated it before. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, CO2 levels were at around 180 to 200 ppm. It had been slowly but steadily declining over millennia. Had it gone another millennia on the same course, the CO2 level could have easily fallen below 150 ppm. This would have been the extinction point of life. Plants would not have enough CO2 to survive and without plants, animals would quickly follow. Humans inadvertently saved the planet from extinction by reversing this imbalance in the carbon cycle. The climate “experts” will say, “we have computer models”. You know what I say, “computers are like ventriloquist dummies, stick your hand up it’s a** and it will say whatever the controller tells it to”. The climate “experts” will have the computers say whatever it takes to make sure they get their next research grant.