I love how Tucker talks now. The problem is, I seen a video of him being confronted by 9/11 truthers asking him questions about this subject and he absolutely excoriated them for crapping on the dead. I fear he is just being an actor. He plays the part that he needs to for whatever audience he is catering to at any given time. Since his departure from Fox, he is rebranding himself the “outsider” and now embraces “fringe” theories. Now he would likely say, he had to act the way he did before because he would have alienated his employers at the time. If that is what he would say then it goes to the heart of my concern, he plays the part for the audience he is catering to. With that, you can never be certain he is genuine. I hope he is but if you are proven to “play the part” and therefore are a convincing actor, how can anyone be certain they are dealing with the real Tucker Carlson.