Anyone that was alive that day and old enough to recon, knows where they were on September 11, 2001. The day is as FDR said of Pearl Harbor, a date which will live in infamy. Does everyone know the true reason for the infamy though? Well I’m certain some do, but most do not. Anyone that watches this with an open mind and still believes it was a pack of terrorist in a cave in Afghanistan simply have no critical thinking skills. The site was cleansed virtually immediately. Anyone that knows airplane accident scenes knows the FAA combs through the scene methodically and reconstruct the aircraft in intricate detail. Not here, scoop it up and ship it all to China for scrap as quick as possible. Apparently this is one of the busiest cities in the world, can’t have it all cluttered up with this debris. That is destruction of evidence plain and simple.

Molten steel at the site for weeks after. Airplane fuel and office equipment fires cannot…CANNOT create anywhere near enough heat to melt steel. That means something at the site did…what? NST investigation did not even acknowledge the existence of molten steel. If it had, it would have had to accounted for it in their report on the events of 9/11.

Then there is the symmetrical pattern in which all 3 buildings fell. The 2 towers had physical damage from the plane impacts. This would have weakened them on the side that the impact occurred. I am not an engineer but I have heard many state that in this situation. If a collapse happened, it would have fallen to the point of least resistance. Clearly this would have been toward the impact sites. It would not have had a 100% symmetrical failure of the support structure that would have allowed them to fall directly straight down into their footprints at near gravity acceleration. The fact that no other steel framed building before or since has had a complete catastrophic failure due to fire and 3 of them occurred at this one site on this one day….doesn’t add up to me.

This all adds up to so many questions that the official narrative cannot answer. This is what started me on this path that I now question everything the mainstream media and government tells me. In fact I do not believe anything that they say now. That is what makes me question the COVID entirely. This is from someone that has had it. At least I had something. I called COVID just another Flu since the beginning. All I can say is question everything!!!

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