Farmers in The Netherlands are protesting government policies meant to shutdown 3000 farms in the nation. The measures are described as a method to reduce nitrogen in the soil from the use of artificial fertilizers. Most here already know it is just another weapon in the war on food. It is not difficult to find more examples of these efforts to limit food production. Just perusing other videos, I seen one about wind farms along the US East Coast that threaten marine life and fish harvesting areas, other on the recent food production facility fires and more on the Bird Flu scare that has been used as an excuse to cull millions of birds. This to the extent that eggs were over $5 a dozen a couple month back. The industry is resilient. It bounces back from adversity but the cumulative effect of all the attacks will eventually take its toll. The old “death by a thousand cuts” line comes to mind. I frequently bring up Soylent Green. I truly believe we are being guided toward a similar future. I rewatched this movie last night to see just how many parts appear to be in process. The efforts to develop 15 minutes cities. In this there will be areas for the commoners and then areas for the elites. You won’t be able to go the elites areas just as in the movie the assassin of the Soylent executive had to break into the elites area of the city in order to kill him. Once you have these 15 minutes cities and determine that most of the land must be free of people, you then push the masses into the population centers. That makes the New York City with 40 million people extremely feasible at that point. A war on farming means, food must come from industrial facilities. Once you have the masses in their controlled zones, there is little incentive to produce nice things. Simply what is needed to subsist. Have government assisted suicide as an option to those that cannot take the bleak existence any longer. It will help with the cost of social services. This is actually policy in Canada now. Including the justification from the cost savings perspective. In the movie the main character Thorne’s side kick, Sol Roth is driven to tears when he sees a couple tiny apples, a single stick of celery. a little whisky and a single steak. His expression is, how have we come to this. When the movie came out, I never could have imagined a scenario that would have led to that type if existence but it is easy to now.
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