I did another video on this some time ago. Since I mentioned this experiment in some of my other postings, I thought it a good idea to go over it again. This is the very essence of human psychology. The why we need to be fearful of the people that follow the leaders blindly. I don’t know if it is genetic or environment, but there are a considerable number of people that will follow the orders of an authority figure despite those orders going against their normal moral and ethical constraints. In the case of the Milgram Experiment, two-thirds did this. This was meant to try to explain why the otherwise good and decent people of Germany would have allowed and even supported the horrific things that the 3rd Reich perpetrated. The experiment did its job. It showed that a considerable portion of the population would do unthinkable acts if the leaders said it had to be done. This leaves the people that would not in a minority. In many case those people being so totally outnumbered might just lower their head and try to survive. The end results, a small group of people were able to make the masses to horrible acts. This could easily play out again. Now we have shots that clearly are harming people, yet most still promote them and will marginalize anyone that speaks against them. How long before marginalization become demonization? You can easily plot where we are on the steps to genocide. Do not lull yourself into complacency thinking that the pandemic is over and the shot mandates are done. This has only begun. A great evil is attempting to cull the human species as the selected few ascend to immortality via AI. These people are not stupid. Anyone can piece this together, AI will bring about dramatic life extension. If you have continuing birthrates as they are now and far fewer people dying, the population would soar. These evil people at the top want to live forever and as a result, the rest of us must die. I may sound like I’ve gone off the deep end on the last half of this, but game it out for yourself. There is significant discussion of AI and Humans 2.0 going on today. What does that really mean? Futurist Ray Kurzweil is very vocal about the meaning. Within a generation, death will become a rare occurrence. Life on the planet is a balance of birth and death. If one of these fail, them you have extinction for births and overpopulation for deaths…which would also lead to extinction. With death being rare, then births must also become rare. The elites already believe that there are too many people on the planet. Do you think they believe this and do not want to do something about it?
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