Al the talk and attempts to find malfeasance by President Trump. They ignore the history of this man before their very eyes. “His memory failed him”. That is the biggest load of crap ever. Memory failed would be, “I forgot my appointment was at 3:00PM”. A failed memory is not that, “I was number one in my class and received 3 degrees” when he was near the bottom and barely received 1. If he would lie about this, he would lie about anything but the lefties will just give him a pass. “He is so much better than Trump” the will say. Trump has had a thorough government agency enema of investigations since he got into office and before. Where are all the charges of crimes. Before anyone says, look at the impeachments. Impeachments are for “high crimes and misdemeanors”. The Congress gets to label any act they like as these terms. Nothing that he was impeached for could be taken to a court of law with charges for a specific law because he violated no laws. The partisan Congress just did not like him.

Liar In Chief
Liar In Chief

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