During NFL’s Monday Night Football on 1/2/23, Buffalo Bills Safety Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field after a seemingly routine tackle. He jumped up from the hit he made on his New York Giants opponent, stepped back a step or so and fell backwards to the ground. Medical staff on the field provided medical attention to him, including CPR for 9 minutes. The game was suspended to allow the teams to recover from the incident…if they could. As of the latest updates, Hamlin is in a Cincinnati hospital in critical condition after experiencing a cardiac arrest.

I am shocked that it took this long for this to occur in American sports. It has happened so many times in European football, I’ve lost count. I am saddened that it has occurred but it needs to shine a light on the dangers of the jabs. I cannot say if the jabs caused this. I just am putting the pieces together. The NFL requires their players to be jabbed, there has been a significant increase in cardiac issues associated to the jabs. This is especially true in people that push their hearts like in sports. How often have you heard of a 24 year old man in the peak of his fitness having a heart attack. Just too many coincidences. Now, of course, there is a push to discredit any calls that it could be jab related.

Praying for the young man and his family. BB

NFL Player Collapses on Field
NFL Player Collapses on Field

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