Salty Cracker has his take on Mark “Don’t make me Hulk out on you” Ruffalo’s belief that the government should police content on Twitter for “misinformation” if Elon Musk will not. This is so insane. These people don’t get the most important point in this equation. That is, “who decides what is true”. They should be required to review my namesake story, 1984, before making any such suggestions.
In my variation on the story, I am a crusader that usurps the name “Big Brother” and uses it to expose tyranny. The actual George Orwell dystopian story centers on government controlling what is the “truth”. Ruffalo and others don’t seem to understand that governments are political. They may like the “truth” that is dictated from above at this time. What happens when the next party is in power and the “truth” is politicized from a different direction? These people seem to believe that the truth is somehow immutable. That there are not people out there that will use “facts” to construct their own version of the “truth”. The old saying in war is a great highlight of this point, “history is written by the victors”. They want to silence the people online that have different points of view from themselves. This leaves the government as ultimate authority on what is right as if the government has never used facts to mislead the people. The mental gymnastics is incredible.
These idiots need to just let the people speak. Good ideas will rise and bad ones fall. As long as they do not promote any genuinely illegal activity, it is 1st Amendment material and the people have a right to speak it and hear it and judge it personally. We do not need a Big Brother to look out for us…well present company excepted please. That is again, up to the masses though.