John Bowne does another great story on how former executives at Twitter could have committed treason by their actions to suppress stories and tweets that could have changed the course of elections. This is serious. Many people will say it does not rise to the level of treason but I disagree. These people had tremendous sway into what were the talking points of any given day. They were able to keep the Hunter Biden laptop story as a fringe conspiracy. The laptop has now been all but universally declared true and not some Russian ploy. Back then they stifled and censored the communications on the subject that had the potential to change the course of a presidential election. These people have to be shown that they hold a position of public trust and when that trust is violated, there are consequences. I mean real consequences. Not like “Pfizer consequences” where they are given “criminal fines”. Basically, something that is just considered a “cost of business” for the company. The people that made the decisions need accountability and need to feel the real consequences of their actions…both in this and in the case of Big Pharma!!!