Incredible Young Lady Addresses School Board
A 2nd grade girl with incredible convictions, very articulately tells the school board what she thinks of their mask mandates. She says her uncle in Heaven is proud of her.…
Breaking: From the Ministry of Truth
FDA rubber stamped Pfizer replacing Normal Saline in the jabs for children with a drug called Tromethamine. This drug was labeled as a “buffering agent” that replaced saline from “greater…
Orthopedic Surgeon Career Destroyed by Jab
An orthopedic surgeon’s statement at jab adverse event roundtable put on by Senator Ron Johnson R-WI. He discusses how he can no longer do his job due to his significant…
Significant Numbers of Athletes Having Adverse Events
Fantastic video compilation of athletes dying or suffering severe adverse events set to a great song. Can we say this is due to the jab…no. It does raise the question…
Great Video by Max Igan
Political refugee Max Igan has his usual chat with video breaks. Recommend you go to Bitchute and subscribe The Crowsnest. Highly recommend this video. Of note it covers 75 athletes…
From the Ministry of Truth
We are conditioned from birth to conform to societal norms. The belief that, “united we stand, divided we fall”. What happens though when evil people control the norms that we…
Great Video of the Dangers of the COVID
This video shows true danger of a disease the shut the world down. ***Disclaimer*** This video does not belong to and has not been verified for accuracy. Do your…
If You Watch No Other Video, Watch This One
Courageous Canadian doctor tells it how it is. I could not have stated any better. He even used my, “stopping a mosquito with a chain link fence” analogy for the…
Disturbing Study Finds 100% of Deaths Associated to Jabs Come From 5% of Jab Lots
Incredible and disturbing study links 100% of the deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) to just 5% of the jab lots. Anyone that thinks this shit…
Big Tech Censors Inventor of mRNA Technology
Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology used in the most wide spread COVID jabs was censored by YouTube for discussing his findings and concerns with regards to the…