A great long form analysis of the events of September 11th, 2001. They cover all the things that appears so obvious to anyone that a few firing synapses. Buildings do not fall at near free-fall speed with 10s of tons of structural steel in the way. It would either stop the collapse or it would fall over in the direction of the asymmetric damage. The damage would not be symmetrical so the building;ding could not collapse evenly in all directions. What caused all the concrete to pulverize in the manner that it did. Some. great analysis of the pyroclastic cloud of concrete dust. Will we ever get the masses to truly see. The rate of the fall of the towers would indicate complete systematic failure of the core columns. Anything other than that and the building simply could not collapse. Everything about the event does not make sense. Never before or since has fires cause a complete catastrophic failure of a steel framed high-rise. It happened 3 times on that date in the same vicinity. The odds of that happening are beyond the belief of anyone that again has a few firing synapses.