Neil Oliver discusses how the COVID fiasco was what made him open his eyes to the broad range of government lies and manipulation. I am around the same age as Neil. His journey sound very familiar to me. My eyes opened a bit earlier than his but in hindsight, not as early as they should have. Like Neil I agree we cannot beat ourselves up over that though. Just be thankful that we now have our eyes wide open. I like Neil believed for the longest time of the benevolence of Western governments. How they stood for freedom against tyranny and good against evil. I now see things much more cynically. I am must more critical of everything my government has done. The evil that we perpetrate around the world and convince our young men and women that we do it for a good and righteous cause. My eyes were opened when I truly examined 9/11. This left me much more critical of the COVID scam as it was being unleashed. I have also re-examined many historical events and have much more balanced view than what the propaganda told me at the time.