The Jaxen Report, Jeffrey and Del cover a question I asked back when everyone was jumping for joy about the WHO Health Treaty being defeated. Simultaneously to pushing the WHO Health Treaty, the WHO was also pushing amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). These amendments have virtually the same effect as the health treaty in that they empower one person (Director of the WHO) in the entire world to determine that there is a pandemic and then dictate actions that all member states must enact. These amendments were the stealth attack. They are opt out rules. Signatories of the WHO IRH have to opt out of the new amendments. Failure to do so in a short period of time, they will become mandatory for those states that fail to opt out. We are in that period now. The WHO had everyone’s passion focused on the new treaty while quietly pushing these amendments to the existing one that will become law. Anyone the knows Constitutional Law will tell you the treaties take precedent over the rights of the people. Fight back now. Tell your representative, senator both federal and state to block these amendments. Louisiana just passed a law to attempt to block any and all WHO rules from applying in that state. It will probably be challenged up to the SCOTUS and unfortunately will probably be overturned because the Constitution does give precedent to treaties over the Bill of Rights. If you don’t believe me, then look at this straight from the source:,Holland%2C%20the%20Supreme%20Court%20noted%20that%2C%20whereas%20the%20Supremacy%20Clause,authority%20of%20the%20United%20States.
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