This one is crazy. Liza Haven from Restricted Republic covers the attempted bribery of Kari Lake. Kari Lake is running for the Senate from Arizona. She allegedly was approached by the chairman of the Arizona Republican Party with offers to pay handsomely if Kari did not run this time. This was released by Kari Lake in the form of a recorded phone conversation. There are many disturbing facets to the conversation one of the most being when Dewitt indicates if he tried to come forward with this story, he would likely end up being killed by his car being bombed. Whose money was he offering Ms Lake, that would potentially off him if he exposed them? Who was her removal from the race supposed to help, a different Republican or the Democratic opponent? This one needs to be investigated at the highest levels. This is attempted bribery in an effort to impact a Federal election. We need to know who was Jeff Dewitt making this offer for. Good for Kari Lake. It shows there are some people with real integrity in this world.