This is an incredible monologue. Says exactly what I believe but does so in an eloquent manner that I simply could not match. It makes me wonder about people in general. For instance, I have a reasonably large family. I am the only one that gets all this. Three brothers, a sister, Mother, Father (now past), nieces and nephews, Aunts and Uncles and even my own children, all believe me insane. They have are called me these all these names either to my face or behind my back. I never pushed my beliefs on them but that is hardly the case going the other direction, even my now late Father. He was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in mid 2021. He passed in early 2022. He spent a considerable amount of the time he had left trying to convince me that I was wrong and should get the jabs. I finally stood strong telling him I am a man of principled beliefs. You raised me this way. What kind of man would I be if I simply folded on my beliefs because the crowd told me to…even if you told me to? My wife at least respects my right for me to have my beliefs but I believe she still thinks I am a nut job. I just can’t imagine how anyone can critically examine things like JFK and 9/11 and not come away at least questioning the official narrative. It just makes me believe people have become too narcissistic. They are dumbed down by the constant onslaught of 30 second videos and instant gratification that they can’t think outside what is being directly fed to them by the media apparatus…or should I say the propaganda arm of the governments. It’s also the sheep mentality. Most people tend to have an innate sense to try to conform to societal norms. If an idea, even an insane one can be promulgated to the masses, most of the herd will fall in line with it and even push out the dissenters. It’s a survival instinct…united the herd survives. If the idea that is embraced by the herd is detrimental, uniting behind it will equally damn the entire herd though. Thanks for watching.