What’s to follow is simply speculation. It is examining the variables in play at this time and projecting them over time to a potential conclusion. This could be what happens or not. I believe it checks a number of plausible boxes though.

Agenda 2030 has a goal of dramatically reducing or even ending completely air travel for the plebs. The stated reason for this is to combat climate change, of course. In reality it is more related to control. Consider that another goal of Agenda 2030 is 15 minute cities. If people exist in 15 minute cities, then why would they need to fly? Everything they need is provided to them within a 15 minute walk from their homes.

How do you get people to accept the elimination of air travel? A vast number of people fly each year. They have extended family and friends around the world. Business is global. At this time these people will not stand for it. You would need create the conditions to persuade these people to agree to air travel elimination? It’s the Overton Window. The elimination of air travel is far outside the frame of the window at this time. You would need to create events to push public opinion to make what is currently unthinkable, thinkable.

There has been considerable discussion on non-main stream media on the cardiovascular problems associated to the mRNA jabs. This is slowly beginning to become more main stream. These discussions have also bled into the area of pilot safety. If a pilot had sudden heart failure at the moment a plane was landing. This pilot could lunge the yoke forward more quickly than the co-pilot react and you would have disaster.

A scenario comes to mind where they finally admit the adverse and sudden deaths associated to the mRNA jabs. This would also have to be combined with some high profile “accidents” that could be tied to pilots with jabs. This could have a chilling effect on passenger confidence in pilots that have been jabbed. Regulators could put restrictions on jabbed pilots. Considering the volume of pilots that had to take the jabs to keep their jobs, this would significantly reduce the number of pilots that are considered medically flight qualified.

If there was a dramatic drop in qualified pilots, the industry would collapse. Bringing in a new round of pilots that were not jabbed would be task that takes years. Meanwhile the elites would be able to afford the limited number of non-jabbed pilots leaving little to none for the masses. Watch out for passenger plane accidents. I would be highly suspect of them being false flags at this point. BB

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