This is one of my continuing stories of how purely evil this little Gollum is. In this version, James Corbett of The Corbett Report does one of his recurring deep dives called, “I read it so you don’t have to”. He focuses on Harari’s 2016 book “Homo Deus”. Corbett picks it apart pretty well. He comes to some good conclusions about the motivations of the narratives. His contention and I tend to agree, that Harari is attempting to normalize ideas that are antithetical to human existence. That people are programmable. They will be made useless and therefore need something give their lives meaning, like drugs and video games. These ideas are just purely evil but they are presented as inevitable, so why resist? That is the whole meaning right there. If you’re convinced there is no way to stop the flood, you just hold your breath and try to ride it out. That is the type of complacency he is shooting for. Disconnect from the higher power and focus only on humanity and attempting to become this higher power. Pure narcism. The whole idea is pure evil. He seems to me to be the “John the Baptist” of the Anti Christ.

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