Marc Morano. Executive Editor/Chief Correspondent for gives a short but concise description of the attack on traditional farming and food production. I have said it many times. With the 15 minute cities that are being pushed, this leaves no one left in the great open spaces to do tradition farming. The goal is to have the entirety of humanity amassed in these small, densely populated zones. It takes a tremendous amount of infrastructure to produce food in the tradition agricultural manner. A vast supply chain of equipment to till the land, produce the seeds that sow the vast fields of food product, places to store this product, the supplies such as fertilizer and other products that make the soil able to produce at the levels required. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the supply chain. All of this is being systematically attacked. At some point it will reach a breaking point. People like to think, you can simply start build a farm and it will start to produce food and everything will be fine. Once all the infrastructure that makes the production possible and brings the product to market is gone…it’s over. The food production system we have is the culmination of thousands of years of evolution. It took that long to build the technology and infrastructure to feed the billions of people on this planet. I am not saying the system is perfect. I know that there are starving people in the world but at the rate they are destroying the ability to produce food, will mean an order of magnitude more people will starve. Once it is gone, the people will turn to government which of course will have a solution to the problem they created. Move to these densely populated zones, take this shot before you are allowed in to protect the masses. We have food to sustain you in these places. This is food that is produced in massive industrialized facilities using who knows what for the base raw protein and carbohydrates to assemble these little green wafers.
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