A key part of the elite’s plan for the future is the destruction of traditional agriculture. This will leave food production solely in the hands of industrial methods instead of off the land. Production being so centralized will leave the vast majority of the worlds population dependent on this lab grown source nutrients and unable to be self-reliant. Henry Kissinger is quoted as saying, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” I call this more a prophecy. Food is the 1st part of the prophecy, control the food and you can people. You can make them go to where the food is. There is considerable discussion about 15 minute cities these days. A considerable portion of the population live in rural settings and under normal circumstance would not agree to move into a densely populated zones. How do you persuade these people to move? Food is a good place to start. The second part of this prophecy is control of energy. Victoria in Australia has just announced the ban on natural gas (and I assume propane) in new homes and businesses starting in 2024. There are systematic efforts around the world to limit the power sources that can be utilized. This is being promoted and advanced under the banner of climate change. This also ties into 15 minutes cities. If you live within a 15 minute walk from home of anything you need, then you will not need to own a car. The final piece of this puzzle is control of money. There is a major push around the world for what is called a Central Bank Digital Currency. This is money that cannot be traded in private. Every transaction is on a ledger and tracked. It is money that can be programmed to only work in a specific area. So even if you tried to leave your 15 minutes city, you would not be able to buy anything once beyond that border. Kissinger prophecy in well on its way to fruition.

Engineered Food Shortage Coming
Engineered Food Shortage Coming

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