Great Funny Short on Compliance
Comedian on compliance with the jab.
Big Brother is Out For Watching You!!!
Comedian on compliance with the jab.
Great short compilation of the course of events that we experienced over the past few years and how it was very much not by happenstance.
This is a great video explaining many of the facets of the great reset. The end result of all this will be to move the masses that remain into 15…
This report highlights many of the efforts around the world to outlaw media that is contrary to the mainstream narrative. This is just hideous. Some of these laws sound as…
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson knocks it out of the park with this analysis of the Covid response.
This news clip discusses how climate change has dramatically increased the severity of turbulence in flights. I can only imagine that they will use this before long as a means…
Michael Rectenwald last month made this speech at the Mises Institute in Alabama. It breaks things down nicely regarding the great reset. I especially like the portion that discusses the…
An incredibly moving speech by the first President that I voted for. His words are more relevant today than when he spoke them so long ago.