A young woman was killed in an American hospital. According to the complaint by the parents, this woman had Downs Syndrome. The hospital put a Do Not Resuscitate order on her without the their knowledge or consent. Then the hospital gave a mixture of drugs that are typically reserved for end of life treatment for hospice patients. The case points makes a point about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) aka Obamacare. It has provisions for what could be termed soft euthanasia. This is where the doctors are not giving a lethal injection but doing protocols that are designed to get to the same results. The provisions of the ACA indicate these protocols can be used if a person is deemed to not be able to recover to be a productive member of society. In this scenario the provisions appear to have been twisted to include a person with a disability. Of course, this Downs Syndrome person will not become a CEO of major company or anything like. I contend that I likely will not either. What is the dividing line between “productive” and expendable? As the father of this woman states, we will all be non productive members of society at some point in our lives. I used to think we treated our disabled better than the Third Reich.