Jeremy from The Quartering does a good job covering the recent Elon Musk / BBC interview. Musk is an absolute “Chad” during this attempted takedown. I call it an “attempted takedown” because the questions from the BBC reporter are so loaded but Musk turns them around on him at every turn. It gets to one point where he call the reporter a liar to his face. The reporter acknowledges, “I understand why you wanted to live stream this”. Absolutely, the BBC published version of the interview was around 50 minutes where the entire interview was roughly double that. If left to the BBC to release the only version it would be so heavily edited as to make the message fit their narrative when the opposite was so absolutely clear. With a live feed, Musk can show the incredible attempt to take him down and people can see why he called the reporter a liar because they witnessed the lie in realtime. You hear the terms “alpha” and beta” males. This was a clear example of a true alpha putting a beta, soy-boy in his place. This was so enjoyable that I cannot find adequate word to express. I love where the reporter won’t even answer the question from Musk if he likes his employer, The BBC.