Do they still promote them to their patients though? Somehow I have to believe they are attempting to fly under the radar with this refusal for their children. Anyone knows that if a doctor says anything against the government narrative on the jabs they risk their licenses. This is especially true in California where this “jackbooted” “lockstep” with the government position is codified in law. This is insanity. Where we have come to as a “free” nation? Free to believe as you will but you better not voice it to anyone else. How do policies, let alone an actual law like this even exist? It is so contrary to the Bill of Rights. It is also contrary to science. I have said it many time, science is questioning everything. The government hires their “experts”, these experts say what policy is and anyone that disagrees will be destroyed. Scientists are unable to question anything if it flies in the face of currently accepted policy. With that, science is truly dead. It feels like we are back in the days of Galileo when he had to defend his theories against heresy. Where is the outrage over this?

Top US Doctors Refuse Boosters Their Own Children
Top US Doctors Refuse Boosters Their Own Children

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