A good video examining information on potential links between the jabs and cancer (and much more). They are specifically noting aggressive relapses in previous cancer patients following COVID boosters. I think this goes much deeper. I have only anecdotal evidence of this personally. I lost my Father last February to lung cancer. He was a life long smoker so this is not of terribly surprising. The timing of how it all happened leads me to question if the jabs had something to do with it. Just how rapidly he went from a fit, vital man to passing. They gave him chemo and radiation and had the tumor reduced by an amazing 90%. Then in a matter of weeks it came back with a vengeance.
We are now dealing with my Father in Law. He has significant signs of dementia. His Mother experienced this when I first met my wife, so it runs in the family. I question the rate that it took over my Father in Law. Within a matter of a few months, he went from a mentally fit man to someone that is now getting lost in his own driveway. The speed that this happened, again is the factor that makes me think there is an outside influence involved.
Again this is all anecdotal. It is purely speculation and opinion. I believe the jabs negatively impact your immune system. Your immune system does not just fight off viruses. It fights cancers. It probably also fights the factors that leads to dementia. If the immune system were compromised, these variables that are constantly attacking the body would no longer have any resistance to freely ravaging the body. The most vulnerable areas would show first in individuals. In my Father, the lung cancer due to his life long smoking. In my Father in Law, the dementia due to the family history.