A little video on some of the died suddenly victims. This one has a somewhat high profile individual. Adam Exton, 35 was the Director of Parliamentry Affairs at Health Canada. This title meant he was directly involved in the Canadian national response to the COVID fiasco. He apparently just died at the ripe old age of 35 on December 9th. My best goes out to his family of course. I just question how many of these very early deaths have to occur before the masses truly understand the gravity of the situation.

Another died suddenly victim in the video is a 13 year old soccer player, dying during the game. I am in my late 50s. How many of you around my age remember 13 years old dropping on the field when we were kids? I can about guarantee that answer will be none with a possible incredible exception here or there. Now we have dozen and dozens of tales. It is heartbreaking.

Also some discussion on the mask debate and efforts to push us back to the COVID restrictions of the past 3 years. All I have to say is. I wore a shirt out in public a couple years back that said, “Unmasked, Untaxed and Unafraid”. Someone made a snide comment as I walked by, “Uninformed”. I can say I have never had the disease. I take no extraordinary efforts to avoid exposure. I think my position has aged quite well. This is, of course, not medical advice.

I have always said that, “hand sanitizer will be the downfall of humanity”. It encapsulates the belief that we can somehow put up a barricade against nature and live forever. Let the bugs and germs in and let your immune system do what it does best. It is like the muscles in your body. If your use them, they become strong. If you don’t they will atrophy and fail when needed.

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