There is a group of doctors from across the world that are voicing their opposition to the COVID jabs. They have a website that is listed in this short compilation. This goes to show that not all doctors are simply “parroting” the narrative. I have come to no longer trust my own physician. He would not prescribe ivermectin to me when I asked, proclaiming that he would get into “big trouble” if he did. I can say he did give me some advice that would probably also have gotten him in trouble had he documented it. So perhaps I will cut him a little slack. Most doctors are attached to larger health systems and are therefore closely watched to ensure they hold the company line. If they deviate from the protocols set down from high, they risk their profession and financial future that they spent a considerable portion of their lives to attain. I understand this does not excuse outright violations of the Nuremberg Code or simply falling back on the, “I was just following orders” line. This is sad for the actual practice of medicine. An art where an educated professional assesses each situation and makes calls and treats based on that individual situation and not simply on policies set down from a board of directors.