George “I listened to a podcast on the polio vaccine and am now an exert” Clooney shares how everyone should bend a knee and produce their arm because everyone else did. The old line your Mom used to use, “if everyone else jumped off a bridge would you” appears to have never sunk into his thick skull.

This thing I never seem to get with these people. The immune system is just simply a marvel of creation (or evolution, this isn’t about that debate). The immune system from the time you are born begins it job of protecting your body from invaders. Ever vigilant, it is constantly sending out killers to attack anything that would hurt you. This is not just outside invaders but also cancerous cells. In most cases, it is only after many years and probably many years of neglect that this wondrous mechanism in the body fails and a cancer grows uncontrolled. Of course there are some people that the get cancer at younger ages, tragically, even children. I do not have all the answers but typically, if you have a good and strong immune system, supported by the proper nutrients that it needs, you are already properly armed for what will come your way. Of course this is not medical advice.

According to virology and immunology, the jabs are supposed to initiate an immune response. So in the end your immune system is doing all the heavy lifting in the equation. Why not simply ensure your immune system is at tip top condition and ready to meet what it comes in contact with. Their theory is we need to expose the immune system to something so it knows how to react when it comes in contact with that something again. The more I hear this, the more it sounds like a snake oil salesman.

George “Clueless” Clooney
George “Clueless” Clooney

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