We have a recurring theme tonight. This is yet another great video featuring an awesome man!!! This one is a man the has an incredible analogy and great delivery about an article in The Atlantic that suggests we “all” should just give each other amnesty for what we said and did related to the pandemic because none if really knew what was going on. Well I can say many of did know what was going on. Hilarious the way he presents it but even more hilarious and ridiculous that the person writing the article would suggest that the people that did know what was going on have some kind of moral equivalence with those that pushed jabs, lockdowns and isolation. It appears to be getting close to full out main stream acceptance of the dangers of the jabs. I posted another video yesterday of a news story from OAN full on discussing the deaths and fertility issues among other things associated to the jabs. This is getting good. Strange, none of my family has called yet to apologize and tell me I was right. I won’t be holding my breath for that call.

Pandemic Amnesty? What a Great Analogy!!!
Pandemic Amnesty? What a Great Analogy!!!

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