Anyone watching this probably already knows the death and devastation the jabs have caused countless numbers of human beings worldwide. Watch any main stream news and you will likely see none of it. Worse, you will probably be fed a load of propaganda supporting the “safety and efficacy” of the deadly jabs. If you try to share the information on the big social media sites it would be blocked and perhaps your account could even be blacklisted. This is a welcome story from One America News. Though OAN is not one of the biggies, they are growing and reaching a larger and larger audience. This report goes into extensive details about the risk from the jabs. It discusses the incredible numbers of dead athletes since the jabs. Also the fertility issues that we are only beginning to really see and understand the scope of. It covers so much more. It is a great story. Spread it far and wide. It is a shame that even with such a professional organization as OAN covering it, my own family will probably still not believe me about all this.
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